Julia Reflects on Forrest Spence Fund
The operation of Forrest Spence Fund is truly a team effort, and a huge part of that team is the interns that agree to share their time and talent with us. While reminiscing about some of the amazing individuals that have graced this office, we decided it is the perfect time to catch up with where they are now!
During the summer of 2016, we were lucky enough to have Julia Christian work with us. At the time, Julia was studying to be a Child Life Specialist at Mississippi State University. A native Memphian, she was thrilled for the opportunity to serve in her hometown.
After being accepted into the internship program, she attended the Spring for Forrest Auction to learn more about the organization before starting. This turned out to be one of her fondest memories at the Fund. It was here that she met Brittany and David for the first time, and saw the power a community can have when it comes together to raise money for a worthy cause. Just to add a little icing to the cake--Julia also won a gym membership at the auction!
Shortly after the auction, her time at Forrest Spence Fund (and her time using the new gym membership!) officially began. During these summer months, she distinctly remembers each of the family dinners. Julia recalls that “it was such an opportunity, especially as a young adult, to watch the volunteers and caterers tend the families at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital. I watched as they listened to families tell their stories and open up about their children, I watched as kids would light up just having the chance to get out of their rooms and do crafts, and I watched parents take a sigh of relief as they got to step away for a few moments to just breathe and eat a hot meal.”
Today, Julia is a happy newly-wed who works for ALSAC at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital as a Donor Contact Specialist. When she isn’t working, you can find her at the lake, her family farm, loving on her cats, or singing along to a favorite Disney song!
She looks back fondly at her time with the Fund, saying “I got to know Brittany and David throughout my time there, and I can genuinely say they have put their heart and soul into FSF. It was so memorable watching them connect with people who shared similar stories, and how ready they were to step in and walk alongside these families. Also, I think watching those connections taught me the importance of serving those around you. FSF was created in response to something tragic, but at that moment, a life experience turned into a beautiful moment to serve others. I am reminded daily that serving others can be as simple as walking alongside someone during a difficult time.” Julia hopes that when people look at Forrest Spence Fund, they see what a large impact the little things can make in the life of a struggling family.