Kind Words Make a Difference

When we think of giving, we often think of physical or tangible objects exchanged from one individual to another. While this is a valuable form of giving, it is not the only form. Today, we want to take a moment to meditate on the importance of giving kind words.

You never know what kind of day someone is going through. Giving a compliment to your teacher, coworker, friend, sibling, or even a stranger may be the simple act that brings joy to their day. Whether you compliment someone’s attire, tell a person why you appreciate them, or express that they are doing good work, kind words truly do make a difference.

The value of words cannot be overestimated. The tone of a day is set by the words spoken that day, and you have the opportunity to set a positive tone by giving kind words.

Below you will find a list of ideas for giving back. Take one suggestion from this list, or come up with your own way to give a kind word today.

  • Tell a sibling one reason why you love them

  • Congratulate a coworker on a job well done

  • Compliment a friend on something they are wearing

  • Tell the cashier at a store you appreciate what they do

  • Praise a positive quality in your child

  • Remind a teacher how valuable they are to the community


Love Expressed is Better than Love Implied


A Week of Giving