26. Kaleb and Rebekah Page - A Family Story

Our guests Kaleb and Rebekah Page are sweet friends of the Fund and were kind enough to share their family’s journey with childhood illness that started when their oldest son was still in the womb. Their unique and trying experience has given them wisdom to share with others and we hope you’ll click the link to listen now!

Rebekah and Kaleb Page have been Memphians since 2015, with Rebekah being a native. In 2013 their first son, James was born at Regional One Medical Center and had a corrective GI surgery at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital when he was one day old. During his subsequent stay in the NICU, the Forrest Spence Fund reached out and supported the Pages in a number of ways. His surgery was a success, and James has no ongoing complications. James has a younger sister and brother. Rebekah is a mom as well as an event planner, and even assists with various fundraising events the Fund hosts each year. Kaleb is a dentist and owns a practice in East Memphis. 

We learned so much during this episode and we would love for you to share what you learn as well! Use any of the links below to find our podcast, In the Face of Illness. Be sure to leave a review and rate the show as well!







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27. Sara Hanai - Family Resource Center Director


25. Taylor Brown — Music Therapy