32. Kelly Cates - A Family Story

Kelly Cates lives in Memphis, TN with her husband Andy and their ten year old daughters, Campbell and Caroline.  In 2015, they welcomed Caroline home from China and immediately started her medical journey in Memphis.  In her short life, Caroline has endured two open heart surgeries, multiple orthopedic and other surgeries.   Caroline’s medical needs have been met by an amazing community of kind, compassionate, and caring health care professionals.  At ten years old, Caroline is thriving, and the Cates family is so thankful for everyone who has cared for their daughter.  In 2021, the family started Happy Heart Boxes at LeBonheur through the Forrest Spence Fund in honor of Caroline and all of the heart warriors like her and those who serve them. 

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33. Lydia Walker - Le Bonheur Program Manager


31. Leigh-anna Liddell - A Family Story