74. Vance Gieselmann - A Family Story

Vance Gieselmann lives in Memphis and is currently a senior at the University of Memphis Loewenberg College of Nursing. When she was 13 years old, she was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases - Grave’s Disease and Addison’s Disease. In addition to being diagnosed with her own illnesses, Vance had four close relatives who passed away from various illnesses within a relatively short amount of time. Two of those close relatives were her young cousins who received care at Le Bonheur while they were battling a terminal neurodegenerative disease called Batten Disease. Learning how to handle her own illness and helping care for her family throughout their illnesses has inspired her to become a nurse. Vance was an intern at the Forrest Spence Fund in the summer 2023.







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75. Brittany Spence - FSF Special Events


73. Jenny Campbell - A Family Story