Acknowledge Those Who Support You

Throughout life, we have many people who support us. Whether it’s a spouse, teacher, sibling, friend, or sometimes even a stranger, we can’t get through life alone. We were made to live in a community, and from the time we are born people support us and we support other people. But how often do we acknowledge the people who have supported us along the way? How often do we give back, and say thank you? 

Today, take a minute to think about who in your life has supported you and in what way. As people come to mind, try to remember when the last time was that you gave them a hug, or said thank you. It is important to give acknowledgment to the people in our lives who have supported us. Acknowledging others creates an environment where people can feel seen and know that what they do matters. So, today take the time to acknowledge those who support you.

You can do so by:

  • Sending a text to a friend thanking them for a specific way they have been there for you

  • Emailing a teacher or co-worker who made a difference in your life

  • Calling or talking to a family member who has supported you 

  • Writing a letter to someone who made an important impact on your life


Small Acts Have Big Impacts


Give Back Finanically