Give Back Finanically

It’s the day we’ve all been waiting for— Giving Tuesday! Each day this week, we have been going over a way to give back to those around us. Today, we want to focus on giving back financially.

There are children who won’t get to go home for the holidays, and you can be the one to make a difference in their life. Donating to the Forrest Spence Fund supports our mission of assisting with the non-medical needs of critically and chronically ill children throughout the Mid-South.

Below you will find a list of what your money does when you donate to the Forrest Spence Fund.

  • $50 - provides a celebration bag to a family in the NICU

  • $75 - provides 10 meals to a family in the hospital

  • $100 - provides a counseling session to a family who has lost a child

  • $100 - provides gas for a family to drive back and forth to the hospital

  • $125 - provides a care bag to a family in the hospital

  • $200 - provides developmental toys to either the NICU or PICU Development Center

  • $200 - provides games and activities to our Happy Heart Boxes for children waiting on a heart transplant or heart procedure.


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Love Expressed is Better than Love Implied